Arab Public Perception of Iran's Regional Role and Policies

Volume 13|Issue 13| Jun 2023 |Arab Opinion Index Analysis


​While Iran has expressed interest in pursuing neighbourly relations over the years, negative perceptions of Iran persist in Arab countries. A majority of Arab citizens view Iran's policies as a source of threat to their respective countries and to the security and stability of the region. Iran has consistently been considered the third most threatening country to most respondents' countries since 2011. Conversely, the most unfavourable views toward Iran were reported in Iraq, among both the Sunni and Shia respondents. However, the sectarian divide in opinion toward Iran is more evident in Lebanon, where its Shia population maintains favourable views toward the Islamic Republic. This paper examines Arab opinion toward Iran based on data from the 2022 Arab Opinion index, a regular survey implemented by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in 14 Arab countries.

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Researcher and Coordinator of the Iranian Studies Unit, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.

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Arab Center