Palestinians Worldwide: A Demographic Study

Volume 9|Issue 9| Dec 2021 |Book Reviews and Critical Discussions


​Book Title: Palestinians Worldwide: A Demographic Study.

Author: Youssef Courbage and Hala Nofal.

Date of publication: 2020.

Publisher: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.

No. of pages: 296.

Palestinians Worldwide: A Demographic Study contributes to the growing body of literature within Palestinian demographic studies, taking a global approach that prompts further research given the close link between Palestinian demographic issues and potential political transformations and solutions.

This book constitutes the first exclusively demographic study of Palestinians that takes interest in both Palestinians at home and in the diaspora, distinguishing it in its field, which has neglected the diaspora for the past two decades. Moreover, the study represents a valuable contribution towards a comprehensive demographic research project for the Palestinian population globally. Furthermore, it is an extension of the researchers' project on Palestinian demography that goes back two decades.

The book monitors the Palestinian population distributed across nearly 200 countries, whether within the borders of the Palestinian territories of 1967 or 1948, or in the Arab and international diaspora. It addresses their demographic conditions, as an essential element that has not been thoroughly discussed in previous studies. The book also studies Palestinian immigrant societies before and after 1948, relying on a historical approach to explore the different migration streams in order to make demographic predictions for Palestinians as far as 2050. The book's case study approach facilitates an examination of the specificity of each Palestinian society in the 23 countries considered (pp. 17-20).

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Researcher, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.




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Arab Center