Review: The Arab Intellectual and Tiananmen Square

Volume 1|Issue 2| Aug 2018 |Book Reviews


Book Title: The Arab Intellectual and the Tiananmen Square Syndrome

Author: Amro Othman and Marwa Fikry

Place of publication: Beruit

Date of publication: October 2016

Publisher: Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies

No. of pages: 144

The Arab Intellectual and Tiananmen Square by Amro Othman and Mrouwa Fikry provides answers to one of the most controversial questions gripping the Arab world since the outbreak of the Arab Spring. That is: Why did some Arab intellectuals fail to embrace the uprisings of the Arab Spring, particularly when it embodied the people’s right to demand change and freedom, ideals that Arab intellectuals have long defended?

The book deals with the problematic relationship between the Arab intellectual and the concept of freedom and democracy, and is framed around key critical questions. How do Arab intellectuals perceive themselves and other members of society? What position does democracy hold in their list of priorities? Why did some Arab intellectuals cooperate\ with repressive authoritarian regimes? And, is there a link between their views towards democracy and their ideological convictions?

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Azzam Amin

Assistant professor in psychology at the College of Psychology and Social Work, Doha Centre for Graduate Studies. Received his doctorate in psychology from Lyon University in France, 2007. Has published a number of articles and research papers about identity and belonging, in-group feeling an sectarianism, culture, social integration and cross-cultural psychology in Arab and international journals.

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Arab Center